Ape Appreciation 🦧

2021-02-09 ☼ apesbooks


Recent Developments in the Study of Wild Chimpanzee Behavior” by John C. Mitani, David P. Watts, and Martin N. Muller

This paper summarizes the current state of research on wild chimpanzee behavior, highlighting recent developments in the field. The authors discuss topics such as cooperation, communication, tool use, and social behavior, and provide examples of new discoveries in each area. They also emphasize the importance of long-term studies for understanding chimpanzee behavior and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers.

Personality, cognition and behavior in chimpanzees: a new approach based on Eysenck’s model” by Maria Padrell, David Riba, Yulán Úbeda, Federica Amici, and Miquel Llorente

This paper presents a new approach for studying chimpanzee personality and behavior based on Eysenck’s model, a well-established theory of human personality. The authors argue that chimpanzees exhibit similar personality traits to humans, such as extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism, and propose a new method for assessing these traits in chimpanzees. They also discuss the implications of their findings for understanding the evolution of personality and cognition in primates.

How chimpanzees cooperate in a competitive world” by Malini Suchak, Timothy M. Eppley, Matthew W. Campbell, Rebecca A. Feldman, Luke F. Quarles, and Frans B. M. de Waal”

This paper examines the nature of chimpanzee cooperation in the context of competition. The authors argue that while chimpanzees are often thought of as competitive individuals, they also engage in complex forms of cooperation that involve both immediate and long-term benefits. They provide examples of different types of cooperation, such as coordinated hunting and group defense, and discuss the cognitive and social factors that underlie these behaviors. They also compare chimpanzee cooperation to that of other primates, including humans, and argue that it provides important insights into the evolution of social behavior.