Dough Record Book

Dough Features Object


  • bulk_dough_id int 4-digit Id for each bulk dough before balling up.

  • bulk_dough_prepared_time datetime The date and time when the dough was first assembled, before resting.

  • dough_in_fridge_time datetime The date and time when the dough was put in the fridge for cold fermentation.

  • dough_out_fridge_time datetime The date and time when the dough was taken out of the fridge for rt proofing.

  • baking_start_time datetime The date and time when the dough started to be prepared for pizza.

  • cold_fermentation float Cold proofing duration in hours.

  • rt_fermentation float RT (room tepmerature) proofing duration in hours.

  • rt_fermentation float RT (room tepmerature) proofing duration in hours.

  • bulk_dough_gr float Weight of bulk dough in grams.

  • dough_ball_id int Single digit Id for each dough ball.

  • dough_ball_gr float Weight of dough balls in grams.

  • flour_type string Flour type used.

  • flour_brand string Flour brand used.

  • flour_grams float Weight of flour used in grams.

  • water_grams float Weight of water used in grams.

  • hydration float Hydration rate.

  • yeast_type string Yeast type used.

  • yeast_brand string Yeast brand used.

  • yeast_grams float Weight of flour used in grams.

  • salt_grams float Weight of salt used in grams.

  • container_temp float Temperature of the outer surface of the container in celsius right after taking out from the fridge.

  • room_temp float RT (room tepmerature) in celsius.

  • rh_rate float Relative humidity rate.

  • stone_temp float Temperature of the pizza stone (back) in celsius before launching the pizza.

  • taste int Scale of 1 to 10 for taste - rating by me.

  • shape int Scale of 1 to 10 for shape - rating by me.

  • texture int Scale of 1 to 10 for texture - rating by me.

  • success_score float Final score of the success rate of the pie. Calculated by summing up with three different scores taken from the user multiplied by 1, 0.5, 0.7, respectively.

  • notes string Highlights and notes.

  • arena_block string block link.

  • image_url string Link to the each pie images.

In [11]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 23 entries, 1 to 23
Data columns (total 27 columns):
 #   Column                Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                --------------  -----  
 0   bulk_dough_id         23 non-null     int64  
 1   bulk_rt_fermentation  18 non-null     float64
 2   cold_fermentation     18 non-null     float64
 3   rt_fermentation       18 non-null     float64
 4   bulk_dough_gr         18 non-null     float64
 5   dough_ball_id         23 non-null     object 
 6   dough_ball_gr         18 non-null     float64
 7   flour_type            23 non-null     object 
 8   flour_brand           23 non-null     object 
 9   flour_grams           18 non-null     float64
 10  water_grams           18 non-null     float64
 11  hydration             18 non-null     float64
 12  yeast_type            23 non-null     object 
 13  yeast_brand           23 non-null     object 
 14  yeast_grams           18 non-null     float64
 15  salt_grams            18 non-null     float64
 16  container_temp        18 non-null     float64
 17  room_temp             18 non-null     float64
 18  rh_rate               18 non-null     float64
 19  stone_temp            18 non-null     float64
 20  taste                 23 non-null     object 
 21  shape                 23 non-null     object 
 22  texture               23 non-null     object 
 23  success_score         18 non-null     float64
 24  notes                 23 non-null     object 
 25  arena_block           23 non-null     object 
 26  img_url               23 non-null     object 
dtypes: float64(15), int64(1), object(11)
memory usage: 5.0+ KB
In [12]:
#view table
bulk_dough_id bulk_rt_fermentation cold_fermentation rt_fermentation bulk_dough_gr dough_ball_id dough_ball_gr flour_type flour_brand flour_grams ... room_temp rh_rate stone_temp taste shape texture success_score notes arena_block img_url
1 1628 1.0 62.8 8.0 961.0 16281 245.0 00 caputo_red 594.5 ... 18.0 29.0 480.0 2 6 3 0.32 1st attempt went not that good - half of the c...
2 1628 1.0 62.8 8.0 961.0 16282 245.0 00 caputo_red 594.5 ... 18.0 29.0 460.0 6 7 6 0.62 pretty good for the second one - shape and leo...
3 1628 1.0 62.8 8.0 961.0 16283 235.0 00 caputo_red 594.5 ... 18.0 29.0 430.0 4 4 3 0.37 nightmare
4 1628 1.0 62.8 8.0 961.0 16284 235.0 00 caputo_red 594.5 ... 18.0 29.0 450.0 5 2 5 0.43 toppings were not balanced and mozarella wasn'...
5 2258 1.6 38.5 8.2 1446.0 22581 244.0 00 caputo_red 893.0 ... 20.0 29.0 450.0 3 4 3 0.32 topping balance was great

5 rows × 27 columns